The Ebola Conspiracy (Was the virus truly developed by the west) you be the judge.

Grief-stricken: These photos, taken by photographers John Moore and Mohammed Elshamy, show the grim reality of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, West Africa. Above, a woman crawls toward the body of her sister as an Ebola burial team takes it away for cremation
The Ebola virus is an escaped bio-weapon
Some believe the Ebola outbreak started with sinister armed men poisoning wells, a successful attempt at mass murder that led to arrests in Liberia. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, reckons the virus has been designed to affect only black people. “If you are black or brown, you are being selected for destruction.”
Distraught: The woman's sister, a market vendor, collapsed and died outside her home in Monrovia, Liberia,  while leaving to walk to a treatment center, according to her relatives. Above, the woman is seen grieving on the ground following the burial team's departure
Others believe it’s an escaped military bioweapon. This theory’s chief proponent is Prof Francis Boyle, a noted scholar of biowarfare and international law at the University of Illinois. In the US Prof Boyle literally wrote the rules of biowarfare. He was a member of the government’s Committee of Military Use of Biotechnology and principal author of the Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act of 1989 which was signed into law by George Bush Snr. “This isn’t normal Ebola at all,” he says. “I believe it’s been genetically modified.”
Beyond pain: In this image, Varney Jonson, 46, is seen crying out in pain as crews - donning white overalls, gloves and goggles - transport the body of his wife, Nama Fambule, to a crematorium following a year-long illness that he insists was not Ebola-related
Boyle points to the existence of US government laboratories in Africa that are creating bioweapons under the guise of innocently working on cures. “What they tell you is, ‘We can imagine some exotic disease out there that could be used as a biological weapon, so therefore we have to look into it. The first step is to weaponise the disease so we can develop a vaccine for it.’  ” What diseases are they working on? “Every type of biowarfare agent you can possibly imagine, including dengue fever and Ebola.”
Wailing: In this photo, a woman clings on to a grieving relative as she wails loudly while lying on the ground next to a body truck
One of these laboratories, says Boyle, is in Kenema, Sierra Leone. “Kenema is the absolute epicentre of the outbreak. Something happened there. It could have been an accident in the lab or they might have been testing an experimental vaccine [on the population] using live genetically modified Ebola and calling it something else.”
Body truck: An Ebola burial team removes the body of Nama Fambule for cremation on Saturday in Monrovia, Liberia. Relatives and neighbors said that she had been sick for more than a year with an undiagnosed illness and protested her body being taken away
The proof, for Boyle, that this is a modified form of Ebola is in both the speed of its spread and the number it is killing. “In the other outbreaks it’s a 50 per cent fatality rate and it was contained. Right here, we’re dealing with a 70 per cent and it’s not contained. All the evidence I’ve been able to locate leads me to believe it came out of the Kenema lab.” How high does the cover-up go? “I think the people at the top know. Probably Obama too.”
Supporting each other: Mr Jonson grieves with family members as the body of his wife Nama Fambule is removed by Ebola crews
Critics of the theory observe that if this was an altered version of the disease, the changes to its structure would be observable to scientists. However, DNA analysis of samples sourced from 78 individuals affected by the current outbreak was recently published in the journal Science. It found this subtly different variant likely diverged from central African lineages around 10 years ago before spreading into west Africa in May. It is, in other words, perfectly natural.
Action: Family members and neighbors try to convince an Ebola burial team not to take away the body of Nama Fambule for cremation
THE spread of Ebola from western Africa to suburban Texas has brought with it another strain of contagion: conspiracy theories. The outbreak began in September, when The Daily Observer, a Liberian newspaper, published an article alleging that the virus was not what it seemed — a medical disaster — but rather a bioweapon designed by the United States military to depopulate the planet. 
Action: Family members and neighbors try to convince an Ebola burial team not to take away the body of Nama Fambule for cremation
Not long after, accusations appeared online contending that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had patented the virus and was poised to make a fortune from a new vaccine it had created with the pharmaceutical industry. There were even reports that the New World Order, that classic conspiracy bugbear involving global elites, had engineered Ebola in order to impose quarantines, travel bans and eventually martial law.
Striking all ages: Another photo shows crews removing the body of a four-year-old girl, wrapped in a blanket, from an apartment
While most of these theories have so far lingered on the fringes of the Internet, a few stubborn cases have crept into the mainstream. In the last few weeks, conservative figures like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham have floated the idea that President Obama had sent aid to Africa, risking American lives, because of his guilt over slavery and colonialism. And just days ago, the hip-hop artist Chris Brown took to Twitter, announcing to his 13 million followers: “I don’t know ... but I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.”
Devastating effects: A woman grieves as Ebola burial team members arrive to take away the body of Mekie Nagbe, 28, for cremation
Conspiracy theories have always moved in tandem with the news, offering shadow explanations for distressing or perplexing events. Though typically dismissed as a destructive mix of mendacity and nonsense, they often reflect societal fears.
In mourning: A woman falls to the ground before wailing and holding out her arms after hearing of the fate of her loved one
“Conspiracy theories don’t have to be true to tell us something about ourselves,” said Michael Barkun, a professor emeritus of political science at Syracuse University and the author of “Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America.” “They’re not effective as accurate accounts — they’re effective as expressions of anxiety.”
Securing the body: A member of an Ebola burial team straps down the body of Ms Nagbe, before taking it for incineration on Saturday
The notion, for example, that health officials are conspiring with Big Pharma to consciously spread — and then cure — Ebola as a profit-making venture might sound like the plot to a cheesy summer thriller, but in fact it touches on a genuine aspect of our health care system, said Mark Fenster, a professor at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law and the author of “Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture.”
Keeping watch: A Liberian policeman is pictured watching as an Ebola burial team prepares to take away the body of Ms Nagbe
“The truth is that we do rely on private corporations to develop and produce our pharmaceuticals,” he said. “While we may not like that fact, it’s not so hard or paranoid to imagine private companies acting in their own best interests.” The theory works, Professor Fenster added, because it is “truthy,” to borrow from the comedian Stephen Colbert. Which is to say, it has just enough veracity “that it rings true when carried to Ebola,” he said.
Taken away: Most cases of Ebola - which can cause a temperature and vomiting - were recorded in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone
It’s not surprising that populist and anti-government conspiracies are rampant at a moment when opinion polls suggest that our trust in government has reached a record low. In fact, most theories pit those who perceive themselves as powerless against a dominant cabal of secretive elite. That model certainly seems to fit the allegation that the Department of Defense created Ebola in a military lab to loose on the world as a Malthusian device to reduce the population.
Well-protected: An Ebola burial team dresses in protective clothing before collecting the body of a woman, 54, from her home in the New Kru Town suburb of Monrovia, Liberia. People exposed to the virus typically develop symptoms two to 21 days after their exposure
 “Conspiracies against the powerless tend to be effective because the masses often feel that way,” James F. Broderick, an English professor at New Jersey City University and co-author of “Web of Conspiracy: A Guide to Conspiracy Theory Sites on the Internet,” said. “They reflect and reinforce the idea that ordinary citizens are victims of the government.”
Transportation: Symptoms of Ebola include a high fever, vomiting, a headache, joint and muscle aches, a sore throat and  weakness
OUTBREAKS, as a genre, have long attracted conspiracy theorists, beginning in medieval times when the Jewish leaders of Toledo, Spain, were blamed for having spread the Black Plague. More recently, the AIDS epidemic was also said to have been caused by a government plot.
The Ebola virus, experts say, is classic conspiracy theory fodder: a silent killer that penetrates the body undetected and lies dormant for weeks. Its sources are obscure, its symptoms horrific.
Spreading through West Africa: Children pass an Ebola burial team as it collects the body of a female victim in New Kru Town, Liberia
“Diseases in particular are suited to conspiracy because they are invisible and invisibly transmitted,” Professor Barkun said. “Our senses can’t tell us exactly how the danger spreads. The theory has an answer for what mystifies and frightens.”
Many conspiracy theorists pride themselves on having inside information, but in the case of Ebola such alleged information, or misinformation — the government is in on it! — can erode the public trust when it’s needed most.
Charity: Unicef and partner agencies are distributing Ebola protection kits to help Liberian families avoid contracting the virus from sick loved ones in their homes, before they can get an open bed at an Ebola treatment center. Above, a Unicef warehouse in Liberia
“If these were just opinions that people spouted off on talk radio or at dinner parties, you could argue that there wasn’t much harm,” Professor Broderick said. “But to have the C.D.C. debased in public as a puppet of the New World Order or of major corporations is obviously a dangerous proposition.”
Nonetheless, some scholars find value in conspiracy theories because they allow us to vent and give voice to hidden fears.
 Response: Liberian army soldiers and American troops are currently building an Ebola treatment center in Tubmanburg, Liberia, the first of 17 to be built nationwide, Above, soldiers are pictured taking cover from the downdraft of a Marine MS-22 Osprey tiltrotor
“I view these things as a way of framing the world, of offering us narratives,” Professor Fenster said. “And they’re not necessarily a bad thing. Conspiracy theories are something that’s available in American discourse as a way of telling stories, as a way of explaining who we are.”

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