Is this the earliest Indian takeaway? Monks
discover recipe book dating back to 1793 that includes unusual recipes for Pigs
Ears and even a chicken curry
Monks have discovered a recipe book that dates back to 1793 stashed away in
their archives, which contains some unusual recipes for pigs ears and even one
of the first chicken curries.
The handwritten pages were compiled by generations of cooks
in the kitchen of Begbrook House in Frenchay, near Bristol, which belonged to a
wealthy local family.
But when the house was burnt down by suffragettes in 1913,
the fragile book of 142 recipes was passed onto the monks at Downside Abbey, in
The book also contains a recipe for a chicken curry. The
first known curry recipe written in English was published just 46 years before
the book, by Hannah Glasse in 1747.
'You can tell it's been very well used,' said Dr Simon
Johnson, keeper of the Abbey's archives and library. 'It's in pretty good condition, but there are a few
splatters of something or other all over it.
'It's in the hand of the actual cook and there's a variety
of recipes such as plum loaf and how to cure a ham. It seems to be a working kitchen cookbook as opposed to being
for special occasions. But it's evoked so much interest because it's a
Georgian, Regency cookbook.
'I think
people are generally interested in the more domestic parts of history. The
social history is forgotten - the day to day running of a house.'
One of the most intriguing recipes in the book is one
entitled 'Turtle Soup', which requires either two calf's feet or a calf's
Rather than a real turtle soup, the recipe details how to
make the popular English dish 'Mockturtle soup', which was created in the
mid-18th century as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup.
It often used brains and organ meats such as calf’s head or
a calf’s foot to recreate the texture and flavour of the original turtle
The soup is also the basis for the character of the Mock
Turtle in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - in which the
author joked that the famous soup was made from these creatures.
'The social history is forgotten - the day to day running of
a house.'
One of the most intriguing recipes in the book is one
entitled 'Turtle Soup', which requires either two calf's feet or a calf's
Rather than a real turtle soup, the recipe details how to
make the popular English dish 'Mockturtle soup', which was created in the
mid-18th century as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup.
It often used brains and organ meats such as calf’s head or
a calf’s foot to recreate the texture and flavour of the original turtle
As the monastery has been in existence for nearly 500 years we have
picked up a lot of archives - ancient papers and books - and among them this
recipe book appeared,' he said.
The book was only discovered when the Benedictine monks at
the abbey in Radstock started exploring the private collection.
There are also some more recognisable recipes among the
pages, such as semolina pudding, pancakes, carrot soup and even mince pies.
The monastic library was opened to the public last year
after a major refurbishment
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