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a belief--- Who do you believe in? If you won’t believe in anything you will
fall for everything. The truth is belief has a lot to do with our mortal
existence on planet earth. I was once asked 'who do you believe in', and I replied
'I put my trust in God'. To live long you must hold on to a belief but do not be
fanatical about it, when you are your destructive. In essence you must belief in
something. Some belief in money, some put their trust and belief in their political
connections, some belief in the bible, some in the Koran, some do put their
trust in mystical powers. Whatever you believe in and that ‘THING’ you believe in,
teaches you love, peace and tolerance then hold on tight to it, for you are in
the right path. The Christian holy book admonishes Christians not to put their trust and faith in the arm of flesh. Money is flesh, pounds, dollars, the euro;
these are the instrument of flesh and power. But to live long you need to believe
in the supernatural. When we do believe in a supernatural then we subscribe to miracle.
Miracle is a super natural feat above the powers and knowledge of man. Our life
day in and day out is one big miracle. I have seen complex medical cases with no
hope of the patient pulling through then suddenly the patient makes full
recovery I call that a miracle a
supernatural feat. To live long we must subscribe to a belief, a higher supreme
diet. The monk’s believe in lord Buddha..These are perilous times we need to believe
in something.
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