cell phone usage--- I am told that the president of America, and the Queen of
England hardly carry a mobile phone well that is a good example, that we all
ought to emulate. Cell phones emit a large frequency of radioactive waves that
are not necessarily safe for the body. But like they say something’s are necessary
evil. I agree we cannot totally stop the usage of cell phones but we can minimize
the use of cell phones. We need to reduce the amount of time we spend on cell phones.
There is this re-occurring notion and arguments that cell phone causes cancer. I
have issues with cell phones for when I spend close to 2minutes on it I have headaches
and ear pains and so I am quick with the phone. I am not saying you should
throw your phone away no that is not what I mean; just reduce your usage some of
us make frivolous phone calls. We chat all day, making meaningless calls and conversation.
And if you’re fond of charging your cell phone and making calls with it, I feel
sorry for you. I won’t tell you what will happen just continue. And lastly for
those that sleep with their cell phone close to them, you’re as dumb as Bambi.
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