When a person comes into the contact with the saliva or feces of rodents that
carry the virus, it becomes infected. The most common carrier is the deer mouse
and it can be found in most parts of the United States but not in the
southeast. First problem here is that all mice are not infected with that
particular hantavirus and those who are may look absolutely healthy.
Another "nasty creature" is the white-footed mouse from the eastern
U.S., and then we have harvest mice in the south and Canada. In other words,
the whole U.S. and Canada are covered with a potentially very dangerous virus.
The first group of symptoms includes fever, muscle aches, headache, cough, and
difficulty breathing. The patient may also experience chills, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, and a sense of discomfort.
And here we come to another problem: symptoms progress rapidly and low blood
pressure, shock, and respiratory failure because of excess fluid in the lungs
may occur.
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is dangerous not only because it progresses
rapidly but also because there are several easy ways to catch the virus. The
first is a direct contact, the second is by inhaling waste products or saliva
from an infected rodent, and infectious virus particles could also penetrate through
the mucosa.
The population affected by HPS is obviously related to the geographic location
of infected rodents and exposure to their droppings.
People who experience flu-like symptoms after exposure to mouse droppings
should go to a hospital immediately because HPS progresses over a matter of
hours and the patient comes to a life-threatening situation very quickly. Most
deaths occur within 1 to 2 days after severe breathing problems begin.
When in the hospital, we must be aware that the symptoms of pneumonia are
similar to those of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. So, tests must be done to
exclude HPS or to confirm it because the speed of treatment is of utmost
importance. If the blood test confirms the presence and increased levels of
certain proteins - Hantavirus IgM and/or a rising IgG titer - it is time for
fast and aggressive treatment.
The patient is placed in intensive care unit, fluid balance is monitored, along
with blood pressure and electrolyte balances. Oxygen is administered in the
case of very low levels of oxygen in the blood, shock is treated with drugs, as
well as low blood pressure.
Unfortunately, there is no cure or vaccine for hantavirus infection, so the
patients only hope is immediate help in a fully-equipped facility.
How can we protect ourselves? It is important to avoid areas where infected
mice leave their droppings: in shaded areas, wood piles in the backyard or in
your home's basement. If we must do some cleaning in such areas, we should wear
a face mask and rubber gloves. After the cleaning, the place should be cleaned
with disinfectant. ■
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