So much has
been said about sexually transmitted infections, viral and bacterial infection.
Well the truth still stands that there are so many infection that Man is living
with, without being aware of it. Take for example the HIV infection, we are
suspecting that this infection has been with man but as a result of factors
such as immunity crash, risky sexual behavior, and advance in science and
medical science the HIV virus was discovered.
It’s on medical journal that in
the mid seventies people had what looked like HIV their signs clinical symptoms
was the same as HIV. How about Ebola, in 1982 there was an outbreak of hemorrhagic
fever in Tanzania same reactions, nose bleed and high fever body temperature,
now those that had this fever manifested the same signs and symptoms of Ebola,I
am very sure that if we had the clinical equipment and medical testing procedure
and protocol that is in place now, if we had it years back we will be alarmed
that what the Tanzanians had was actually Ebola
. I am going to write about the
untold truth of virus and gems culture which the Americans are involved with. The
truth is every major disease and outbreak that breaks out the west is in involved.
The west, in their secret lab all over America and Europe culture one virus or another.
They culture one gem or another why you ask. Simple to control world population.
We shall discuss this because I have a very firm belief that with in the next 5
years another killer gem or virus will be unleashed of course it will only
affect Africa , we know how it works.
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